Impossible Information, Impossibly Fast


What is our secret to great results? We know what to look for and how to find it. With over 100,000 cases under our belt, we have refined the fine art of gathering actionable intelligence and quickly identifying clues that lead to the answers you need. 


Anatomy Of An Investigation

Let’s Have A Conversation.

First, let’s make sure we completely understand your desired outcome. Before we pull on the gumshoes, let us know what you have already done so we don’t duplicate efforts. Of course we validate information, dive deeper and even go in a different direction, as needed.

Then, Down to Business.

If you’ll excuse the pun, Marksmen has a quiver full of resources that we use with trained investigators. Business directories, public records and special databases help ensure the target is the real target, how long they’ve been around and what they do. We investigate their website, social media accounts, news resources, as well as archived sites and archived materials for clues the current sites may not provide. Along the way, we take screenshots of anything relevant—all masked of course.

Undercover Outreach.

When we have completed the necessary background investigation, we make undercover contact with the target, unless otherwise requested. This allows us to gather the remaining facts, asking the questions you would like to ask, if you could. We understand the boundaries of contacting under pretext and make sure to stay on the ethical side of the line. All reports include clear documentation of our contact and what was said by the target.

The Report.

Once the investigation is complete, we wrap it up in a detailed, readable report that includes an executive summary, documented findings, relevant photographs and screenshots, details of how we acquired the information and our conclusion. Standard reports are complete within four business days and can be expedited.


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A simple inquiry could help you solve a complex IP problem.


